
Kvale is one of Norway's leading patent law firms and we assist both small start-up companies and large international technology-heavy companies with advice and in disputes relating to patent rights.

A patent provides an exclusive, time-limited right to commercially exploit technical solutions. The purpose of patents is to facilitate and stimulate innovation. A patent can provide an important competitive advantage and the opportunity to secure profits from investments into research and development.

Patent law is a constantly evolving area of law, with a significant international element. It is also an area of law that requires an interest in and the ability to understand complex technical aspects in a number of different technological fields.

Our lawyers have specialist expertise in this area. We have extensive litigation expertise and experience in managing complex disputes for large international companies. These types of cases often take place concurrently in multiple jurisdictions and require us to familiarize ourselves with complicated technology. We work together with technical experts to acquire the necessary knowledge to enable us to achieve the best possible results for our clients.

We assist small and large companies with patent-related advice, including strategies for enforcing their rights and/or ensuring they have room to manoeuvre in relation to the rights held by other parties, preparation of licensing agreements and other agreements relating to patent rights, assistance in connection with objections and other processes concerning the patent authorities, as well as issues relating to employee inventions.

Legal 500, Chambers, IAM Patent and MIP have ranked Kvale as a leading firm within this area of law.

Our services include:

  • Patent infringement and validity disputes.
  • Objections and other processes with the patent authorities.
  • Preparations, negotiations and disputes concerning licensing agreements and other agreements for patent rights.
  • Advice and preparation of patent strategies.
  • Issues relating to employee inventions.

Utvalgte prosjekter

Kvale bistår Siemens i patentsak

Kvale bistår Siemens i sak vedrørende spørsmål om en såkalt Subsea Hydraulic Power Unit (SHPU) utviklet og bygget av Siemens gjør inngrep i Subsea Solutions' patent NO 332487. Saken omfatter også krav om ugyldigkjennelse av Subsea Solutions patent. Både tingrett og lagmannsrett kom til at Siemens' SHPU ikke gjør inngrep i patentet. Patentet ble opprettholdt som gyldig.

Kvale har bistått Mylan i patentsak

Kvale har bistått legemiddelselskapet Mylan (nå Viatris) i en sak mot Teva og Yeda vedrørende gyldigheten av Yeda's tre patenter på et doseringsregime for et legemiddel inneholdende virkestoffet glatiramer acetat som benyttes til behandling av multippel sklerose. Tingretten kom til at alle patentene var ugyldige. Teva og Yeda trakk deretter saken fra videre behandling.