
For more than 25 years, Kvale's highly ranked lawyers have assisted some of the largest Norwegian and international providers of electronic communication services and media and content services.

Electronic communication is the cornerstone of present day society. The market has rapidly evolved and new entrants are competing with the traditional telecommunications providers. The industry is also subject to complex and detailed regulations from the EU and Norwegian authorities. Our lawyers have both a good technical understanding and knowledge of the commercial “rules of the game”.

Our lawyers have specialist expertise in all matters relating to electronic communication. Our lawyers are leaders in this field and have worked closely with industry players such as mobile operators and broadband providers for more than 25 years. We have been involved in all parts of the value chain and have worked with basic rights, network development, frequency auctions, technology purchases, interconnection agreements, and access agreements.

Kvale has also served as advisor for several of the largest transactions in Norway involving telecommunications companies. Because the market consists of large operators, transactions in this segment give rise to a number of competition law issues. We have extensive experience from working in teams with renowned competition economists to address the competition law aspects in transactions.

Our services include:

  • Sector-specific market regulation and general competition rules.
  • Contact with government authorities and appeal cases.
  • Communications protection and information security (Electronic Communications Act, National Security Act etc.).
  • Contract negotiations and formulation of agreements.
  • Transactions.
  • Dispute resolution and litigation.