Kvale with GOLD ranking in IAM Patent 1000

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We are proud to announce that we once again have received the highest ranking in the category "litigation and transactions" in the recently published IAM Patent 1000: The World’s Leading Patent Professionals 2023 - Norway.

The ranking states that:

Kvale operates seamlessly at the intersection of intellectual property and technology, assisting a super roster of players in the industry, as well as having a particular penchant for life sciences and oil and gas. IAM Patent 1000

In addition to the firm ranking, partners Marie Vaale-Hallberg og Ingvild Hanssen-Bauer both receive an individual ranking.

Ingvild Hanssen-Bauer receives a Gold - Individuals: litigation ranking, with one of our clients commenting;

Ingvild is direct and logical; always coming primed with an impressive overview of the case and a panoramic outlook on all strategic opportunities. She really should be everyone’s port of call.

Marie Vaale-Hallberg is recognised as recommended lawyer in the transactions category.

Marie’s in-house experience makes her contribution in IP litigation and freedom-to-operate work indispensable”.

The award is confirmation of the solid efforts of our team, and what we achieve together. A big thank you to our clients for this important recognition and feedback.