
The largest Pan-Nordic conference on Environmental and Ethical Marketing Claims

9. juni 2022
09:00 - 16:00
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The conference is relevant for CEO’s, marketing executives, CSR managers, in-house counsel, professional and industrial bodies, public authorities and legal advisors lawyers with an appetite for marketing insight from peers and ready-to-use legal input.
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– Building up consumer goodwill or getting hit by a shitstorm.

Do you want to get the latest updates on trends and do’s and don’ts in relation to sustainable marketing claims and also meet experts from different key industries.

Join our Pan-Nordic conference on Environmental and Ethical Marketing Claims on June 9th 2022, and experience a panel of the most experienced Nordic marketing lawyers discuss the legal basis for sustainable and green marketing.

A growing number of enterprises aspire to reduce their climate footprint or become completely CO2 neutral. This has created a giant market for balancing and reducing climate impact. This market will probably only grow larger in the next decade.

Many enterprises wish to create a green or ethical image of their products and services since climate consciousness, sustainability, ethics, social responsibility, and products being manufactured under orderly conditions have become #1 parameters for many consumers.

Such marketing claims are, however, a two-edged sword since all environmental and ethical marketing claims must be documented for them not to be considered misleading.

Our conference will update you on the latest marketing trends in sustainable and green marketing, and industry experts will discuss how they design their marketing campaigns to build up goodwill and avoid pitfalls and shit storms. A panel of the most experienced Nordic marketing lawyers will discuss the legal basis of sustainable and green marketing.

See the full program via Bech-Bruuns website where you also can sign up for the conference if you have not already done it via the box to the right.



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